Sunday, 14 July 2013

An Abundant Life

A colleague will be leaving us soon to pursue her studies overseas. Even though we've hardly spent time together or had conversations that extended into our personal lives, I've always felt an affinity towards her, especially since we both graduated from the same discipline. There was a sense of understanding, perhaps a connection that could have grown into friendship.

But the days at work are always passing in a whirlwind of activity, movement and often, urgency. Since we never had to work together on any projects, there was no chance to meet over coffee nor little conversational interludes when we might have just talked about ourselves. Perhaps my tendency to compartmentalise work and personal life just so that I could be efficient and objective has cost me precious opportunities to bond or build relationships with others...?

Well at least for C, I will write her some heartfelt well-wishes before she goes on her way: that wherever she goes, she may enjoy a life of abundance, one filled with friendship, laughter, warmth, peace and love.

And that's my hope for all of you as well.


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