Saturday, 10 March 2012

When I was your age...

Hi everyone! How have you been?  It's been a hectic week around here but I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with my dear ones soon.

Here's a quick post of a card I customised - for a young lady who turns 24 next week. I was told that her favourite colour is brown... hmmm... a rather unconventional choice wouldn't you say? 
I'm guessing You must be a  steady, grounded individual with a strong sense of who You want to be. And what a wonderful age to be all that and more - the world is at your feet! 
Happy Birthday!

Just for fun, here's a look at what some people did when they were 24...

  • Nelly Bly made a solo trip around the world in less than 80 days for the New York World, beating Phileas Fogg's fictional record.
  • Radioastronomy grad student Jocelyn Bell Burnell observed an unknown signal from outer space; this resulted in the discovery of pulsars.
  • John Couch Adams became the first person to predict the position of a planetary mass beyond Uranus.
  • Johannes Kepler defended the Copernican theory and described the structure of the solar system.
  • Entrepreneur Ted Turner took over his father's billboard advertising business. He later launched CNN.
  • Tracy Chapman released her first album, winning three Grammies.
  • Scottish physician Mungo Park became the first European to reach the West African interior.
  • Edgar Allen Poe won a $50 prize for the story "MS. Found in a Bottle." 
Whether we're older or younger than 24, let's make our days count!


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