Saturday, 21 September 2013

Deck Shoes again

Hi there,

Just 'zipping' in to share the latest colour scheme of the deck shoes -- decided to move away from the blue theme. How do you like these?

As you can see, I'm trying out a new way to photograph them too!
Here they are in the regular 'pose'.
Found a new 'friend' to accompany the shoes!
The regular contrast colour double-layered sole.
Have a great weekend (or what's left of it!)

Friday, 6 September 2013

Rosary Roses

Hi there,

A dear friend of our, S, was inspired by Kimberlee of 'Pondered in My Heart' which describes the creative use of crochet roses to teach little girls to pray the rosary. S thought crochet flowers would make a great birthday gift for a little Catholic girl and hopes that the little one's parents would use them to teach their little girl to pray the rosary.

Here are the custom-order flowers, 10 red & 1 white, made in a large size using double strand of acrylic yarn, so small little hands may grasp them easily.

Meanwhile, have a blessed weekend!
