Saturday, 25 August 2012

Working around a Button

Hi there,

Have you ever gone shopping and simply fallen in love with an accessory such as a bag, earring, necklace etc...Of course you bought it didn't you? Alas, when you reached home, you discovered that you didn't have anything in the wardrobe to match it... So began a quest to find the perfect outfit, shoes etc just to match that ONE accessory....

Isn't it interesting how we often end up arranging the 'rest' just to fit that ONE small special thing?

Last month, the cutest small little button caught my eye...and I HAD to buy it....but when I reached home, I realised that it did not quite fit onto any of my current shoe was a tad too small...
And so began the quest of creating a new design to fit the button...Amazingly, I managed to come up with two new designs!
Here they are, 3 pairs of shoes featuring those CUTE small SOCCER BALL buttons..

Light brown with cream accents double-strap button shoes
Double-sole with signature sole design
Dark brown with yellow accents double-strap button shoes

Blue with baby blue accents cross-strap button shoes

 Hope you like them!


Saturday, 18 August 2012

A Perfect Moment

Today my youngest turns 3! It was certainly a perfect moment 3 years ago when I first set eyes on him. Many more special moments followed - his first smile, first words, first tooth. On this "big day", there isn't a fancy birthday party, themed birthday cake nor hordes of children or friends celebrating with us in style. But simply being together as a family, holding my son close and watching him play with his favourite toy makes this a perfect day.

Scrappers find our craft so meaningful because it is all about documenting our special experiences - with family, friends or ourselves at a defining time in our lives. As part of our memory keeping, we take photographs of ourselves, our children, the places we visit and use these in our layouts and holiday albums. That was such a wonderful holiday, we say... or... look at how much our children have grown... As we scrap we hold on to those perfect moments, just for a little longer. We want to continue enjoying the precious memories (and record them for our loved ones to share) ... when we knew he was the one, when we walked down the aisle, when we held our first born in our arms, when time stood still in a beautiful city...

To many of us, though, these moments seem few and far in between... Till the next birthday party, the next holiday... when we drive our dream car, move into that dream house, when our children graduate from college or marry... we doggedly go through the motions of the everyday, waiting for and working towards the next moment of perfect happiness, perhaps defined by some grand achievement or monumental gain.

In his memoir Chasing Daylight, Eugene O'Kelly, faced with his imminent death, gained a deep appreciation for  every little experience. He realised that a perfect moment was "a little gift of a moment or an hour or an afternoon. Its actual length was never the issue. The key was that you had to be open to a Perfect Moment." 

The next time your child grabs your hand, a cool breeze blows on a sweltering afternoon, you take the first sip of coffee on a sleepy morning or... see a friend walking towards you in the distance  - remember to take a deep breath and revel in that perfect moment.


Saturday, 11 August 2012

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Hi there,

How's your week been?
For those of us who have daughters, do you like to wear matching outfits? I know some friends who even share their wardrobe with their teenagers. Even the stars seem to like matching their outfits to their daughter's.
(picture from
For those of us who do not have the 'figure of the stars' to carry off the 'matching clothing', perhaps carrying matching bags might do the trick. I must admit I was thinking of myself when I designed these for mom, one for little princess. (I didn't think I would want to dress like my 'princess'.)

For Little Princess
For Mom
Mummy D, who is going to be carrying these bags with her little girl, is now expecting another princess and wanted something matching for princess number 2. I was glad to be able to make a matching pair of booties for the newborn princess. Here they are:

I'm glad mummy D likes them. Can't wait to see how all look together... : )

Till the next time,


Saturday, 4 August 2012


Nest: a place offering snug refuge or lodging; a home
Nesting: to create and settle into a warm and secure refuge

The weekend is here! 
I've been blessed with quite a lovely half day of 'nesting' - casting off the busyness of the work week with a relaxing morning run, a long dip in the pool with my youngest, a simple roadside lunch with the husband and... a much needed crafting session!

Should be getting started on dinner soon - the boys are expecting mum's homecooked meal tonight. I'll be trying out seafood spaghetti, together with some baby potatoes roasted in butter and topped with bacon bits - a dish that never fails to please :)

Hope you're 'nesting' nicely too!